Elder Peace

Being open to spirit with grace and gratitude is a gift we often take for granted - more borne out of intuition and emotion than reason that can bring a sense of peace. Trust yourself.

When we wake up - really wake up - we can transform what it means to truly live our values instead of espousing values we don’t really agree with or even understand. When we settle on one way of seeing the world and are not open to other possibilities - even if they make us uncomfortable - makes us rigid, judgmental and closed. We all know someone who refuses to budge in their beliefs, and we may have our own sacred cows that could use deeper reflection to become true values in action. Elder Nomads at peace comes from a willingness to open their hearts, calm their minds and being open to possibilities for things we often take for granted.

By engaging in a practice that includes spiritual inquiry we learn to age with grace and enjoy each moment - at this time - in this place - more peacefully. Unlike many before us - we have the gift of more time. Giving up the struggle to be somebody and committing to a journey of self discovery allows us to gracefully be at peace.